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Writing Update – 2nd September

Hayley - workIt has been storming and thundering here in Ohio, which means it has been hot, wet and humid.  I HATE the humidity.  At this time of year I do find it harder to write.  The nice weather (when it not storming) calls out to be experienced and who can ignore that call for long?

Things here have been chuffing along quite nicely at the moment.  Winter’s Magic:Act One is out on Thursday, the manuscript for The Dream Thief is coming along better than expected, and The Enclave has just received a five star review from Reader’s Favorite.

I have also been interviewed a few times since my last update.  One of which I have linked below.  I will link the others when they are posted.

I have been fairly sick the last week, along with the rest of the family, but I still managed to drag my bones out of bed to write and do the interviews.  The humour in the interviews was tuned down a bit because of the illness, so perhaps that is a blessing of sorts. 🙂

My Novella for the Anthology is going well and hopefully we can start to talk about this project ‘properly’ in a few months’ time.

I leave you now with the link to one of my interviews – ‘til next time. Interview for Mary Harner – You can view it here



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