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What makes me write?

What makes me write?

Oh, that’s easy.  The little blue imp with the electric cattle prod makes me.

Well, not really, but that is what it feels like sometimes.  Especially when you are not in the mood to put pen to paper, but then your conscience digs at you to move your butt and get writing or else.

But seriously, I would dearly like to give a flowery response that will be made into a Twitter/Facebook graphic and get posted everywhere for the next twenty years…  But I can’t.  What I have to say is not really inspirational or mind-blowingly philosophical.  It is in fact quite the opposite.

What makes me write is determination, lots of hard work and the bullheadedness to think – ‘There, I’m doing it and I don’t care what people think about it.’ (well, actually, that’s not true.  I’m a writer after all with a writer’s ego.  Please tell me you like my work…)

What makes me, and many other writers write is the need to get stories that I actually want to read and get involved with, down on paper.  That is really the crux of it.  What keeps me writing is the determination and hard work that I mentioned before.  Determination and willpower are what drags writers out from the immense pool of wannabe authors and makes then actually dry off and finish something.

Writers write.  The rest talk about it.