I want my Free book!I want my Free book!

Sacrifice is Out Now!

Today has been hot and humid with rolling thunderstorms passing overhead.  I love the thunderstorms, but the humid I can do without  😀🐿

It’s hard to believe that we are nearly up to the middle of the year already – time really does fly faster the older you get….speaking of that – it was also my birthday this past week which has got me thinking that I need to get my butt into gear and try and get these books out faster than I have been.  The next book to be released should be Eternal but I may just sneak out the first book in the next series instead – Dragon of Wind and Flame – Book one of The Elementum.  



And, don’t forget that book 3 of The Blackwatch Chronicles – Sacrifice is out now on Amazon.  Click the pic below to take a look.

