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‘No such thing as a routine traffic stop.’

Traffic Stop Scenarios at the Citizen’s Academy run by the Dayton PD – Ohio

Hi Guys

Just thought I’d share some videos that I took while attending the Dayton Police Citizens Academy this week while doing writing research.  In this class we went through some traffic stop scenarios that officers have run into during the course of their shifts.

An interesting fact I found out is that traffic stops are one of the most dangerous parts of their job.  Not only do they run the risk of getting hit from other drivers, the people they pull over might be armed and do not want any police scrutiny.

According to the FBI Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted reports, 62 officers were killed during traffic stops from 2003 to 2012.  In 2012, 4,450 officers were wounded or assaulted in various manners during traffic stops.

Below are some examples of what can happen when people don’t obey the law on passing safely around stopped emergency service vehicles.  Photo credit – Ohio State Highway Patrol


Anyhow, here are some of the videos I took – enjoy Chris and Maggie’s acting ability, and be honest with yourself about what you would do if placed in these situations.