I want my Free book!I want my Free book!

And now…for something completely different!


We, ladies and gentleman are now going to try something new.  It’s good to experiment once and a while and to try new and exciting things.

I have been invited to be a part of something that we are now calling ‘Blogroll Tag’.  And I have been chosen to start the ball rolling so to speak.

“What is Blogroll Tag?” you ask.  Well it’s really rather simple.  One person (me in this case) asks a question and I ‘tag’ someone else to answer it.  And then the person tagged does the same thing to someone else.    Each Tag holds links to the next blog so people can follow along to see where the ‘ball’ ends up.

So let’s get this ball rolling shall we?

My first question is to Melissa Barker-Simpson, Author of ‘Sins of the Father’ and ‘The Missing Link’ and the upcoming new release ‘Hands of Evil’

Why did you choose to write mystery, and which authors influenced that choice?

Here is the link to Melissa’s blog so you can see her answer – http://mbarkersimpson.wordpress.com/   NB: This link will work once she has her answer up 🙂

I hope you all have fun ‘playing tag’ and remember to keep following to see what new stuff is thrown your way!

The link for seeing all of the collected Tags!


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