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Who Me?

About Me

“The person who says something is impossible should not interrupt the person who is doing it.”

-Chinese Proverb

This is a favourite proverb of mine.  People should always work (and I do mean work) towards their dreams and not let the nay sayers tell you NO, it can’t be done.  If you are active in working to achieve a goal, you will never live a life of regret.

About Hayley

H M Clarke has been a Console Operator, an ICT Project Manager, Public Servant, Paper Shuffler, IT Help Desk nerd, and a Medical biller and coder (the last being the most exciting.)  Now she writes Fantasy and Science Fiction while secluded in her dragon’s den surrounded by her large book collection.

She attended Flinders University in Adelaide, South Australia, where she studied for a Bachelor of Science (Chem), and also picked up a Diploma in Project Management while working for the South Australian Department of Justice.

In her spare time, she likes to lay on the couch and watch TV, garden, draw, read, and tell ALL her family what wonderful human beings they are.

She keeps threatening to go out and get a real job (Cheesecake Test Taster sounds good) and intends to retire somewhere warm and dry – like the middle of the Simpson Desert. For the time being, however, she lives in Ohio and dreams about being warm…

I’m a bit of a video game nerd and I am also into Star Trek, Midsomer Murders and Harry Potter and I absolutely adore the TV show Almost Human – love Karl Urban  Damn FOX for axing it –>shakes fist at offending network execs

Cheers and thanks for the visit.